Meet the Owner

Meet Stephanie
One Accord is the product of two worlds colliding: retail and philanthropy.
With a retail/management/marketing background Stephanie Dowling has worked in the retail apparel industry and the retail home furnishings industry (part time with her husband) for over 20 years. After their third child was born with several health hiccups (mild cerebral palsy and ASD), she left the workforce to take care of their daughter.
During the time she was home with her children, she was given the opportunity to travel on several international mission trips. These trips left her heart broken over the spiritual and physical poverty of the people in these countries. The unemployment rate was horrible, abuse was rampant, and children were starving! She knew that the Lord had taken her to these places for a reason and she often thought "what could I do?"
Years later, at a Christian conference, a speaker was challenging everyone with these questions: "Who is hanging in the balance of your yes?" and "What would you do if you knew you would not fail?" Her answer was two-fold: open a retail storefront offering quality products that give back to those in need AND offer a space for local artisans to showcase their art.
"Somehow the Lord in His infinite wisdom and sovereignty allowed these two worlds to collide."
One Accord opened their doors in October of 2015, offering a large selection of apparel, jewelry, shoes, and handbags. One Accord also offers some of the most beautiful original art in the city.
Stephanie has had an incredible opportunity to partner with amazing people throughout Sumter, the United States, and the world. One Accord not only gets to bring awareness of serious issues like human trafficking, extreme poverty, and hunger to their customers, but they offer their customer’s the power to change people’s lives through purchases with purpose.
One Accord contributes to their local community as well: Heart of Faith gives 100% of the sales to the Wig Boutique at Prisma Tuomey Hospital, sponsors of many local charities and organizations, and in 2019 hosted an Enneagram Workshop "Know Your Number". Stephanie firmly believes, "We were created to serve-and we want to be a good servant to our city."
“Purchase with purpose” is more than just a catchy’s a movement. Lives around the world are being radically transformed by these companies who are investing in poverty stricken people groups. The cycle of poverty will be broken. Dignity, value, and purpose are being restored. Stephanie thought, "If we can be a small piece of that big picture-I am ALL IN." Thank you for partnering with One Accord where it is so much more than just retail.
Stephanie Dowling One Accord founder/owner
*Stephanie and her husband Chad have been married since 1991. They have 3 adult daughters and 2 son-in laws...and a precious grandchild on the way!